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Flourish Bulletin website banner  showing a brain in your hands by Juliet Adams Learning and Development expert | leadership and career coaching | Mindfulness at work training  specialist

Development is at the heart of all I do. I have been developing leaders and organisatiuons for over 25 years now. I pride myself on making the most complex subjects simple and accessible for all.  I am facinated by how the brain works, and have been researching the practical application of neuroscience for over 10 years now.  I specialise in helping people to understand and manage their mind. I use a range of evidence informed tools and techniques to do this including:



Business case
Image by Benjamin Child

Making the Business case for mindfulness


 A comprehensive 108 page guide on making the business case for mindfulness.  Contains over 200 research summaries and hyperlinks to research papers.  Supplied as a PDF document.


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Stang-up Meeting

Performance Improvement


 Learning Needs Analysis

Bespoke Training Design

Training delivery

Improving systems and processes


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Busy Street

 Mindfulness At Work Training






Mindfulness has ancient eastern roots but was developed as a theraphy for stress, anxiety and pain in the 1970s-90s.  Mindfulness training is underpinned by an evidence base of over 10,000 independent research studies. 


MindfulnessAWT was launched in 2022 as is a training program designed to be suitable for delivery in the workplace, and relevant and practical for busy working professionals. It can reduce anxiety and stress, increase productivity, performance, leadership capability and improve working relationships.


Juliet has been designing and delivering workplace specific mindfulness programs for 10 years. She has co-trained over 270 trainers to deliver MindfulnessAWT and its predessessor WorkplaceMT in workplaces across the world.


Thousands of employees have now recieved this training as part of their organisations leadership development, productivity training, or well being training.


Find out more about MINDFULNESS its evolution, research base and benefits


Find out more about MINDFULNESSAWT - course content, duration and workplace specific outcomes.


Mindfulness AWT - Mindfulness at work training logo depicting a brain moving from chaotic to calm and ordered.  MindfulnessAWT is a mindfulness at work curriculum developed by Juliet Adams Learning and Development expert | leadership and career coaching | Mindfulness at work training  specialist
Image by Javier Allegue Barros

Identify your Purpose and Intention

"Purpose is your destination..... Intentions get you there."


Being clear about purpose improves both business performance and engagement from customers and employees.  According to Deloitte purpose-driven brands capture more market share and grow on average three times faster than their competitors. They also report 30% higher levels of innovation and 49% higher levels of workforce retention.


Its estimated that only 18% of organisations 1% of individuals can clearly and simply define their purpose.   I help both organisations and individuals to identify their purpose and the intentions that underpin them.


Intentions shape every moment of your day.


Juliet is the author of Intention Matters. she helps leaders to identify their purpose in life and underpinning intentions. This sends clear messages to the brain and harnesses the the subconscious to shape and transform all aspects of their life.


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Intention matters book cover by Juliet Adams Learning and Development expert | leadership and career coaching | Mindfulness at work training  specialist
Image by Christina @


One to one coaching


Performance coaching:


Gain clarity | Increase your confidence | Master your mind set | Reach your potential | Get more done in less time | Reduce stress | Be more strategic


Leadership Development:

Self-awareness | Self-regulation | Communication style | Listening skills | Growth mindset | Values | Influencing skills | Presence | Focus


Career development & transition
Unsure you are in the right job? | Career crossroads? |    In career transition? | First promotion? |  Considering becoming a Director or Partner?


Image by Jhon Jim

Leadership Development


One to one leadership development needs analysis, coaching and mentoring


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Mindfulness at work training participants on a one week trainer training intensive led by Juliet Adams Learning and Development expert | leadership and career coaching | Mindfulness at work training  specialist

MindfulnessAWT Trainer training pathway


Trainer Training for Mindfulness teachers who wish to deliver training in the workplace


Until recently no training existed for  trainers who wanted to teach mindfulness in the workplace.  Their only option was to learn how to teach  MBSR & MBCT therapy based courses or generic courses.



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